Discipline and Merit System

This aspect of education has become extremely important to the staff in order to successfully perform their duties as teachers.

It proves an impossible task if the school lacks the support of the parents.

Parents will receive a “Discipline and Behaviour Code” form. Parents must ensure that their children understand the contents, sign the form and return it to the class teacher.

Merit System

Westfields Primary School will focus on positive behaviour and preventative measures rather than punitive actions to improve discipline. In some cases, the shift has been associated with conscious whole school efforts to consistently praise and reward acceptable behaviour so that it becomes the norm throughout the school community.

The Westfields Primary School merit policy establishes that all learners are to maintain a minimum of sixty five (65) merit points. When a learner allows his/her merits to fall below sixty five merits because of consequences related to disciplinary referrals (Pink slips) he/she is considered a learner not in good standing and is required to make up these merits.

The Demerit System

Educators themselves should, in the first instance, attempt to correct learner behaviour. If this is inappropriate or ineffective, then the demerit system may be put into effect. The demerit system emphasizes consequences and accountability. Learners must be informed of the demerit point lost at the time of the misdemeanor. The number of demerit points given depends on the seriousness of the incident. When a learner’s merit balance goes below 65, he/she is put on a weekly Principal’s Report. Learners appearing on the Principal’s Report list for a second week may not participate in any school activities or sport activities until the needed merit points are earned.

Guidelines to the Merit and Demerit System

Every learner begins the school year with 100 merits. When a learner makes a poor choice, merits may be taken away (demerits). Each learner is required to maintain a merit record of at least 65 merits to remain in good standing. A learner is required to earn merits immediately upon falling below 65 merits. At Westfields P/S teachers carry a blue slip to award merit points for those learners who deserve them.